2013年6月9日 星期日

(14) Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University


     Since my graduation ceremony ended, my heart has been bathed in the feeling of leaving. Three days ago, my senior high school, Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University, also held their own graduation ceremony for the students. When i watched the videos they uploaded on the youtube, the even huger emotion of graduation grasped my heart.
     Honestly, I  can say it loudly and proudly, graduation ceremonies in HSNU are the best all over the ones in other senior high schools and universities. Every year, when graduation ceremony is coming, the hall would be decorated into a movie theater, such as Lord of the Rings, Star War, etc. Apart from amazing decoration, the teachers in HSNU would record a funny video to encourage students and gave blessings. From primary school, junior high, senior high, to NCCU, I still truly love the period of senior high school the most. This is not only because of its free and liberal atmosphere, but also because everyone in HSNU, including teachers, guards, and the waiters in restaurants, loves this place so much.

2013年6月1日 星期六

(13) DIP 98 Happy Graduation

My family

     I just had my graduation ceremony this morning. The weather is terribly hot and stuffy during recent days. After putting on the graduation cap and gown, it seemed that my body was covered by lava. Therefore, i have to sent my respect to my parents and younger brother. The main reason is they drove motorcycle under hot sun for joining and sharing my happiness of graduation together.
     Today graduation ceremony recalled my memories of graduation in my senior high school. Time really flies fast when we are unconscious. Now, it's another new start waiting for me.

     However, actually, I graduated mentally rather than physical graduating from NCCU. Due to the rest of credits i still have, i will delay my graduation for half to one year.So, my body has to go to school almost every day in next semester. :P
     Although i felt a little badly about some of my good friends' absence, i still have a unforgettable graduation ceremony today.

2013年5月26日 星期日

(12) Japanese Cartoon - Kekkaishiy

     Recently, twelve o'clock in the weekend is the moment I look forward forward to for a whole week. The main reason is that this period of time is the show time of my favorite Japanese cartoon, Kekkaishi. Kekkaishi is almost like witch and wizard in western culture, who can make use of magic spells. The story is about how two young Kekkaishiy, Yoshimori and Tokine, fight with the monsters. A long time ago, their school nowadays was a huge castle ruled by a powerful noble family before. Nonetheless, because their power are good nutrition for monsters, the noble family was killed by monsters in the end. What's worse, the power of this noble family still remains in the place. As a result, what Kekkaishiy has to do is keep the monsters away from the place and protect people. Meanwhile, for monsters, the period of night are their perfect time to appear; therefore, Yoshimori and Tokine have to work at night to protect original people from monsters' attack.
Since I was in the primary school,  I really like monsters literature and cartoon in Japan, which always give me more space to imagine. The same as some certain magic elements of Harry Potter, in cartoon Kekkaishi, Yoshimori and Tokine  can do magic spells as well. Both of them containing magic plots and teaches us that if having kind and strong minds with the helps from good friends, no matter what kinds of difficulties are in front of us, we can overcome them in the end.

2013年5月19日 星期日

(11) Reflection of Ultimate Gift 3


     At the end of the story, the ultimate gift that Jason gets seems to be the ruling of Red's company. However, through the traveling to figure out what is ultimate gift, Jason actually received more than his original expectation.  He turned into a different person step by step; he learned the value of money, friendship, courage, and love.
    The plot of the movie which impressed me the most is Jason and Emily's conversation on the grass. When Jason asked Emily what her dream is, Emily gives Jason a simple but powerful answer: a perfect day, and I just fulfill it. Compared to Jason's passive attitude, Emily indeed knows the meaning and value of her life. Emily's answer recalled a question I was asked before. "If today is your last day, what do you want to do?" Believably, I will asked for a perfect day in the last day of my life. Even more, we should regard each new day as the last day. By doing that, we won't have any regret in our life.

2013年5月12日 星期日

(10) Reflection of Ultimate Gift 2


    Following the development of the plots, the secret of the "Ultimate Gift" gradually reveals in front of the audience. After the first gift of working appears, Jason's grandfather then takes away all his money and his belongings and asks Jason to find a true friend. At the beginning, Jason takes this mission as a piece of cake because he thinks that he has many good friends. However, he was shocked that all of his "good friends" disappear when he is in poverty.

     Personally, Emily is a good reflection for Jason. Compared to Jason's snobbish attitude, we can easily see Emily's innocence and kindness. Believably, not only Jason but also the audience were shocked and sad when knowing Emily is suffering leukemia.  Upon seeing Emily still keeps hopes and lives positively, Jason is touched by this innocent power and begin to see Emily as a true friend.

     As the story goes on, the secret about his father hiding in Jason's heart will be showed up. Jason goes to a small village for helping fix the books in a public library. And, the village is where Jason's father passed away. One day morning, Jason drives toward the mountain taking away his father, and determines to find the truth.

2013年5月5日 星期日

(9) Reflection: The Ultimate Gift

Reflection: The Ultimate Gift

     The main character, Jason, in the movie was born in a big wealthy family. As a result, he spends his life in an aimless and self-indulgent way without worry about money. Nonetheless, his life changed after his grand father passed away. Because Jason was late to join his grandfather's Inheritance Announcement, he reluctantly inherited a farm form his grandfather. But, in the meanwhile, he could not help but being curious about the mysterious gift mentioned form his father. Therefore, he decided to figuring out the gift. However, when he reached the farm, what he had to do is endless work instead of the gift. Although he realized that only finishing the work can help him move toward the gift, he still has no idea why his grandfather gave this boring mission to him.

2013年5月2日 星期四

(8) Getting a Cold

     At first, I have to say that i hadn't gotten a cold for almost a whole year. Therefore, compared to other weak people, I'm sure that I am healthier and stronger than them.  Last time a cold grasped me because I went to Leofoo Amusement with my friends in the eve of a powerful typhoon. Therefore, within my expectation, all of us got wet at that day and I even had a fever after coming home. This time, i just had a light sore throat in the beginning. However, for i was busy at the mid-term and  some activities of the club, i ignored the illness. The other reason is that i really hate the smell of medicine; as the result, sometime, i would forget to eat the medicine purposely. On the next day, i was shocked by yellow snivel when getting up from my bed. At the same time, my sore was too hurt that I could not even say a word. The worst thing is that my voice changed into a witch's voice and I have many oral presentation form last week.  Hence, eventually, i had no choice but going to see a doctor. Now, a week passed, i haven't recovered yet. Oh~~~ THE COLD. Can you keep me away and turn my beautiful voice back to me?

2013年4月21日 星期日

(7) Howard's Wedding

Howard & me
     Yesterday was the most important day for one of my best friends, Howard. Yes, he got married and he is the first one who got married among my good friends. In order to send our greetings and love to him, other than giving red envelopes to Howard, we decided to make a lovely wedding cake on our own. The wedding was held in a farmland in central of Taiwan, which is a remote but romantic place for having a wedding party. When seeing the new couple walking slowly into the lobby, my heart was touched by the holy and beautiful moment. Believably, they will live happily ever after like Micky and Minnie.

2013年4月7日 星期日

(6) My Favorite Cartoon Character Doraemon


     Doraemon, a well-known cartoon character, is a robotic cat. At the beginning, the same as other robotic cats, Doraemon’s outward appearance was shiningly yellow. However, one day when he was taking a nap, his ears were bitten by a big black rat. Because of suffering deeply depression of his broken ears, which became two pieces of cheese with several holes, Doraemon couldn’t help but crying for a couple of days. To his shock, the color of his outward kept fading and then was dyed into blue by his tears. As an old saying goes, ”Troubles rarely come singly,” there was no practical ways to fix Doraemon’s ears; as a result, he had no choice but cutting the broken ears. In addition, when playing a game called “rock, paper, scissors,” Doraemon is always the loser. The result attributes to his globular hands, so that the only one he can show is “rock” in the game. Nonetheless, the “small imperfect” didn’t damage the popularity of Doraemon among fans all over the world. People love Doraemon’s big globular head, cherry-red nose and tail; chubby figure like a beer barrel, and sunny smile.

2013年3月24日 星期日

(5) Hyeonseo Lee part 2

Hyeonseo Lee

      Few days ago, in order to look for the materials for English class, I watched a film about a young lady's speech in Ted. Her name is Hyeonseo Lee, who succeed in escaping from North Korea and surviving in China. She is one of the bravest girl i have ever known. In the beginning, she thought that her country is the best one all over the world until witnessing the people were suffering. As a result, she left for China when she was only 14 years old. As an illegal immigrant, it was not only difficult but also dangerous. Once her identity is found, she would be sent back to North Korea. Therefore, she lived under horror. Nevertheless, she didn't give up and even brought all her families out of North Korea eventually. She said she didn't resent her country; just felt sad about North Koreans. In the end of the speech, she thanked the people helping North Koreans escape from the damages. She believed that in the future more and more North Koreans will succeed in different fields, even in the Ted Stage.

(4) Hyeonseo Lee part 1

     During recent days, the news of  North Korea keeps occupying the head line. After North Korea stated that " the war may break out any time," United States, Japan, especially South Korea keep their eyes on the next step of North Korea. The tie between North and South Korea already cut. Meanwhile, the provocative actions from North Korea, such as setting up the missiles and resettling the place of missiles, already triggered severe tension in east Asia.
     Personally, I totally agree that North Korea is one of the most irrational countries in the planet. I have heard about several stories about North Koreans' escape from their country due to wars, famine, and persecution.

2013年3月17日 星期日

(3) Jet Lag

Dear my friend,

     I know it's difficult to believe; however, I hardly cannot memorize your face now. How long have we not to chat with each other? More than one month. I guess. I don't exactly know why you don't connect with us. My rationality insist on looking for tons of excuses to explain your disappearance. Nonetheless, my heart can't help but feeling angry with you. The main reason is that you haven't explained "the misunderstanding." How can you ignore that and then put it away?
      Several friends said that i should take initiative action, talking you my feelings and thoughts. Yes. I really want it. But, it is still hard once considering long distance and jet lag. My heart is like the lyrics of "jet lag" describing:

You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset

      Although the condition of the song is different form mine, i also suffer emotional jet lag. What can I do? The only way for me is to pray and wait the coming of our coincident meet, isn't it?

2013年3月10日 星期日

(2) World Baseball Classic

     Recently, almost all the Taiwanese are crazy about World Baseball Classic (WBC), held by Major League Baseball and International Baseball Federation. Throughout baseball games in recent years, WBC is hugely popular all over the world. In Taiwan, most of people living here have baseball spirit. Therefore, no matter how late Taiwanese baseball fans have to stay, they still sit in front of televisions and root for Taiwan Baseball Team.When Taiwan Baseball Team has a comfortable lead, there is a sense of elation in the audiences. When it comes to the behaviors of Taiwan Baseball Team during the period of the competition, all players in Taiwan Baseball Team did their effort to win the games. Although Taiwan failed to succeed in entering the final round, their baseball spirit won the recognition among Taiwanese minds.

2013年3月2日 星期六

(1) My Adventure in Japan Part 1

My Adventure in Japan   Part 1
     Romantic cherries, polite citizens, and clean cities are three top specialties of Japan. According to the report released by Ministry of Transportation, over 1.56 million Taiwanese visited Japan in 2012. Obviously,   taking a trip to Japan is a hit choice for Taiwanese, including me. Compared to other countries in Asia, the weather in Japan is more comfortable; in addition, there are many areas, begin worth visiting, in Japan. Take its capital, Tokyo, for example, except for delicious food, Tokyo is known as its countless shopping malls,  traditional temples, and Disney Theme Park. In the west of Japan, Osaka is the biggest city, which is famous for its hospitality, the unique food, Takoyaki, and cheap make- up stores. Aiming at the delicious food, this winter vacation, being as a backpacker, I went to Osaka with my friends, who the college students in Japan, and began our small adventure.